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01 Apr 2014 22:24 #110941 by Casey
Replied by Casey on topic THE DEATH WOBBLE THREAD
Thanks for your comments, but it wasn't unused. The day before taking it for the MOT it was fine the day after it wobbled worse than it had ever done. They balanced the front wheels while I watched and it showed they were out of balance. They added weights and it improved but not to the state it was in before I took it to them. I must admit I'm totally confused.
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  • DonegalGuy
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08 Apr 2014 09:52 #111605 by DonegalGuy
Replied by DonegalGuy on topic THE DEATH WOBBLE THREAD
I have the death wobble too and have gone for swapping out the king pin bearings which was a good thing to do as they were packed with way too much grease, in fact the swivel hubs were almost full, must have pulled about a litre from each hub! Along with water and rusty bearings. Didn't solve the problem but I have noticed a front brake issue. On axle stands I can't hardly rotate the front wheels as the brakes seem to be binding. Removed calipers yesterday and wound the pistons back in a little way with a trusty "G" clamp and they move albeit quite stiff but I put this down to the fact there's hydraulic fluid behind them ;) . Backed the pads away from the discs and checked for disc wear and all looks pretty good and they seem relatively new. Refitted the calipers and then stamped on the brake pedal a few times to bed the pads back in and back to square 1. Brakes don't seem to be letting off fully on the front wheels, which means higher fuel consumption but more importantly, if they are permanently "on" and there's a slight bit of ovality on either or both discs then this would probably cause a slight death wobble feel....Am I on the right tracks? For £60 each + VAT I can get new calipers so is it worth it or do I get a seal kit for £25 + VAT and hope I can clean the piston and slides with a piece of emery cloth?!
How is the piston supposed to release the pads anyway? there must be an opposing force to release it after you use the brake pedal. Stand on the brake pedal and fluid pushes piston....release pedal and ??? isn't the fluid still there behind the piston, in the brake hose forcing the piston against the pad? :S Confused dot com!
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  • Northern-Wanderer
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08 Apr 2014 13:05 #111614 by Northern-Wanderer
Replied by Northern-Wanderer on topic THE DEATH WOBBLE THREAD
If i was you i would get the brakes seen to by some one who knows what they are doing, your life depends on them.
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  • idiotmobil
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08 Apr 2014 13:57 #111618 by idiotmobil
Replied by idiotmobil on topic THE DEATH WOBBLE THREAD
don't know if this has been said in here but rear wheel bearings are a cause mine are shot and have terrible wobble have to change them soon as crap robbstorr rear locker fitted buy a idiot cause mine to fail i think
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  • jonesyba420
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08 Apr 2014 14:16 #111624 by jonesyba420
Replied by jonesyba420 on topic THE DEATH WOBBLE THREAD
ive got new kingpin bearings and still have abit of wobble, we are in the process of changing both rear wheel bearings done one friday and will hopefully do the other tonight (the one friday had cracked the whole way around the bearing case!!). also fitted new rear shoes saturaday. will report back if the wobble goes.
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  • Ryan270990
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18 Jun 2014 14:20 #118138 by Ryan270990
Replied by Ryan270990 on topic THE DEATH WOBBLE THREAD
if the vehicle has been lifted and you have the wheel wobble, a 4 wheel alignment has to be carried out. ask for a camber and caster read out, the problem will be with the castor read out after the lift. if lifted 40mm or more in my opinion castor corrector s are needed and put the castor back within specification.......think of a shopping trolley wheel when pushing it down the supermarket at speed, its the same as a car when the castor is out.
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