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Old Man Emu vs Des Sol

New Speakers

New Speakers

The standard speakers in a Jimny are rubbish. Not only that but the drivers side one is prone to getting water on it from both the drivers feet and water coming down the inside of the A-pillar from both Windscreen and Aerial mount leaks.

  15089 Hits

New Catalytic Converter

New Catalytic Converter

Seems like lots are going wrong with LittleJimny at the moment. A few days ago it started to sound like a Ferrari (well not completely like a Ferrari).

  15570 Hits

Radio installation

Radio installation

The radio in LittleJimny has been playing up. We eventually decided to replace it with something a little better that will at least support an Iphone connection.

  15216 Hits

02/02/14 - Top off-road modification!!!

02/02/14 - Top off-road modification!!!

Whenever I take the Jimny off-road I have to have the internal fans on to stop the car steaming up which it does at every opportunity! The trouble is this means you get a face full of dried leaves, twigs and dust from the face vents.

  10052 Hits

09/11/07 - Interior Light

If you own a Jimny and off-road it then you will have found that on winter afternoons in a muddy wood it is difficult to see any of your recovery kit that is thrown in the back. Whilst visiting the local caravan shop for a couple I number plate lights I found just the answer.....

  10570 Hits
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