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Old Man Emu vs Des Sol

31/12/07 - Air System - updated

The Jimny is fitted with an ARB difflocker in the rear axle. These difflocks are operated by compressed air, therefore an air source is required. If you purchase an ARB brand compressor these have a small air tank built in that permits operation of the locker but if you want to have more air, suitable for other accessories or for inflating tyres then a large air system is required.

The previous owner installed a VIAIR air tank system combined with a T-Max compressor but only carried out a quick minimum installation.......


  12715 Hits

29/09/07 - Starting pictures

As well as the basic specification here are some pictures that are the "starting point" of my ownership.


  11928 Hits

29/09/07 - Making it My Own

So what is the first thing to do to the Jimny?....Make it mine!

The best way to do this is to add a few personalised stickers such as shown below:

  11570 Hits
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