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Dave's "S200KYS" Jimny 'laner Build...

21 May 2018 13:36 #192841 by X8GGY

theoldseacaptain wrote: Recently bought the same calipers - they came out of the box with no lubricant at all on the slider pins, so may be worth checking yours if you haven’t already greased them up!

Yes, noticed that "theoldseacaptain" ;)

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21 May 2018 13:44 #192842 by X8GGY

maverick wrote: I've always considered getting a PRESS for home usage ... If you find a decent one that's suitable for our Rear Shafts and Front Hubs, let me know (maybe they can reduce cost for TWO???)

Normally, Mr. A. Grinder comes out to grind off the ABS Collar and Bearing, but only today I have found a local Community project called Shedheads. They have my two duff Rear Shafts with worn out bearings and decent ABS Collars "pressed" on. I asked them if they can heat up the AB collar and tap it off (then its re-useable) and maybe het up duff bearing and get that off too??? Then it'll be a trip to my friendly garage (they have a press) to pay them £10 a shaft to press bearing and ABS collar back on??? But IF i had a press, that would save me about £50 a year ...

From memory when we last discussed this, Martin has something like this -

So we'd dangle the rear shaft through the hole and then press the shaft down onto the bearing / ABS Collar ?

My local garage do it with a length of roll cage tube they pinched from me...! The tube goes over the shaft and the collar gets beaten home with a BFH (Big F... Hammer!)

I'll ask Santa for a press this year ;)
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21 May 2018 13:47 #192843 by maverick
£200 (wtf)

Jalapeño, IISY?
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21 May 2018 15:12 #192844 by X8GGY
Fixed ABS light... battery off for a bit and then take it for a run...

And also testing the Autool OBD2 reader ;) I’ll write a little review on that in the tech section...
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  • Lambert
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  • The quickest Jimny in Harrogate...(that I own)
22 May 2018 05:57 #192857 by Lambert
I have the off brand version of that press. Less than half the price.

Temeraire (2018 quasar grey automatic)
One of the last 200ish of the gen3s, probably.
ADOS Attention Deficit Ooooh Shiny!
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22 May 2018 08:25 #192860 by X8GGY
No eBay APP ID and/or Cert ID defined in Kunena configurationSomething like this?

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