Into the light!


​With everything coming together it is time to leave the garage for the first time in 4 years!

  4945 Hits

A few more tweaks


When I started her up for the first time, I noticed a couple of problems. The first was the engine management light (EML) on whilst the second was a stream of water and clouds of steam from the exhaust. 

  5055 Hits

Wheel bearing


 Whilst re-building the front axle I noticed that the offside wheel bearing was really rough. It needed changing so off came the hub for a quick change. I originally documented a wheel bearing change HERE so this is more a quick update on changing it again.

  5362 Hits

Axle breathers

As part of the rebuild I decided to fit my own axle breather kit. My Jimny has the old "hosepipe" style which was large, untidy and the hosepipes had hardened off over the years. 

  4854 Hits

Rebuilding the front


Having previously re-built the rear suspension it is time to sort the front. Again this is a KAP 3" lift with Pro-comp shocks and this is where the main "sag" is. 

  5254 Hits
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