LittleJimny Ver 2.0

So after a couple of "Jeep" postings its back to Jimnys. Since the launch of the new Jimny we have been looking out for one, at first a bit tentatively and more recently for real. Shortly after the launch last December we got to test drive one for an extended period and really loved it. I did a review at the time, see the video below.

  9399 Hits

Another Jeep from a Jimny!

Bob has sent me in some pictures of his "Jeep". He has built an aluminium body onto his Jimny chassis giving him a lightweight Jeep. He is also looking to make this into a kit, so those with a rusty body can go "old school". 

  5000 Hits

New exhaust


The exhaust on the Jimny was beginning to look a bit tired. It was not actually blowing but layers of rust were peeling off. Its been on the car from new (2003) and now we are in 2019 so around 16 years old and 24,000 miles (low miles but most off-road). I wanted a stainless steel exhaust and one that is road legal (ie. 74dB at the required re...

  5369 Hits

Trailmaster lift kits in stock


50mm (2inch) lift kits for the new 2019 Jimny now in stock. 

  7201 Hits

New Jimny from New Zealand


Here is Gary's Jimny - Big G

 One of the first 2019 Jimnys to land in New Zealand.

Fitted with 15x7 ROH Blacktrack steels with 0 offset and
BF Goodrich All Terrain 215/75 x 15

  7683 Hits
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