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Day 1 - Sat 25th - Off to the coast


First leg completed today, Redmond and Becky have safely arrived at Folkestone to pre-position for a very early morning slot on the Channel Tunnel. The intention is to take all of the French road travel in one long day, 8 to 10 hours to the edge of the French Alps near Chambery. Jimny is running well although at 22mpg its drinking the fuel. Fr...

  4280 Hits

August 2018 - X88RED off-road trip to France


In a weeks time Redmond (X88RED) from this forum will be departing on his off-road trip to the French Alps. After weeks of preparation at RGC Motors 2006 Ltd and DC Welding Services along with parts from the BigJimny store, the Jimny is finally ready and the packing is about to begin. ​With 1000's of miles of driving a...

  4566 Hits



​In the UK this March (2018) has seen an unusual amount of snow. Even more unusual is that we had it in our area with 6 inches of snow the first time and another 5 or 6 inches over this weekend just gone. Therefore the Jimny was taken out to have a drive around the area and a few lanes.

  5085 Hits

New tyres (update)


When I ordered my new tyres (see here)  there were only 4 in the UK. However I have found one so now I have a proper spare. Its all very heavy on the rear door but thats a problem to tackle another day. Very pleased as it now looks like a Jimny!

  6500 Hits

Heavy Duty Transfer Box Rubber Mounts (update)


Quick update: I have been running the ZookBOB heavy duty transfer box mounts for a week now and can report a very noticeable drop in "noise" from the Transfer Box. The transmitted vibration from the box to chassis and rest of the Jimny has gone! A whole made Rocklobster is never going to be quiet but this one just got a lot better.   ...

  5829 Hits
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