WIthin the UK , all shipping rates apart from the standard letter rates are "Signed For" to protect both you and BigJimny against loss. Unless stated otherwise all items are shipped first class.
Special Delivery and Saturday Special Delivery are available at extra cost, please call for details. Note: this service depends on me being able to get to a Post Office so the delivery is only guaranteed once the package is in the Postal System.
For EU and Worldwide deliveries then Airmail options are offered. The standard service is "Signed For" to protect both you and BigJimny against loss.
Cheaper, slower and unprotected options are available, please enquire.
If the system does not offer you a shipping price then please contact me for a quote.
How quickly will it arrive?
People ordering from the Internet expect prompt delivery and BigJimny targets getting items shipped as soon as possible. Therefore most items are shipped from stock and are usually shipped either the same day or the morning following the order. Some items are non-stock and may take an extra day or two. Occasionally some Suzuki parts are held in German or Japanese warehouses and can take longer. In instances where an unforeseen delay is envisgaged you will be informed.
Bank holidays and vacation periods can affect delivery times.