# Avatar Rank Username points
2251 Kamiljimny 0
2252 james feeney 0
2253 Seanast 0
2254 Biggles26 0
2255 ELFORD 0
2256 rileygreen5676 0
2257 Millduu 0
2258 optogeek1 0
2259 toad576 0
2260 Bar 0
2261 vynervt 0
2262 liam1982 0
2263 Nand513Wolf 0
2264 Atkins 0
2265 FITZ 0
2266 jhirsch 0
2267 OGA 0
2268 Muswell Hillbilly 0
2269 Huckinnz 0
2270 PGR 0
2271 Mark j 0
2272 farquhar1a 0
2273 Gurevich 0
2275 Zuki 99 0
2276 dym 0
2277 Janim 0
2278 CriMan777 0
2279 JohnW 0
2280 Jasonbschofield 0


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