# Avatar Rank Username points
1 Lambert 36,903
2 mlines 14,718
3 Scimike 12,727
4 Soeley 11,385
5 DrRobin 10,524
6 X8GGY 9,981
7 jackonlyjack 8,511
8 Roger Fairclough 7,827
9 yakuza 7,647
10 Riccy 7,523
11 Busta 6,682
12 300bhpton 5,397
13 Gadget 5,389
14 sniper 5,197
15 lightning 4,393
16 Max Headroom 4,154
17 facade 3,984
18 kirkynut 3,525
19 fordem 2,712
20 lookonimages 2,615
21 Reason2doubt 2,574
22 stiffsteve204me 2,560
23 Bill Portland 2,343
24 gv42 2,242
25 DAGZOOK 2,221
26 Bob1050 2,150
27 Keithy 1,973
28 saxj 1,888
29 zukebob 1,804
30 RainerK 1,602


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