# Avatar Rank Username points
2221 dave 0
2222 Skidder 0
2223 DrNessuno 0
2224 Scarvery 0
2225 andyrocke 0
2226 Squeaky Bob 0
2227 iceman41 0
2228 davidlavi 0
2229 MannyBazurka 0
2230 Roodon 0
2231 Andrelavin 0
2232 Redcat 0
2233 beasibley248 0
2234 msimpson12 0
2235 chewy2 0
2236 jeffreymtodd 0
2237 Earmicoc 0
2238 Jamie 0
2239 BigDon5 0
2240 Freddy chin 0
2241 Oracle2 0
2242 Benbound1617 0
2243 Saffronwp 0
2244 Corky304 0
2245 andyw 0
2246 Eistee 0
2247 Stonker 0
2248 EY02jimPC 0
2249 Mud_Muppet 0
2250 Snorlax 0


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