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Dave's "S200KYS" Jimny 'laner Build...

03 Nov 2019 17:47 - 03 Nov 2019 17:49 #215324 by X8GGY
A few little jobs to do today...

Due to a little welding accident (!) and the fact the rear breather elbow had snapped off as well...

I'd ordered a few elbows for spares as well earlier in the week... on the right of the photo you can see an elbows the same as the one that snapped, and the rest are more substantial and a mix of fittings for both 6mm and 8mm tubes...

Add some replacement nylon tube, cutters and sealant and ty-wraps...

On the left.. the replacement tube to the rear breather elbow (the welding accident melted the original tube!), so you can just about make out the two 6mm OD 4mm ID tube (original and extension) with a 6mm ID 8 mm OD sleeve to connect them together, and on the right... a new tube I'd connected to the compressor and fed round the fuel tank...

Snapped elbow, new elbow and spanners...

New elbow with added extension tube from the sleeved join now in place... sorted!

Hmmm, but I can't remember how the ARB compressor tube connects to the diff?! It was over five years ago!!! :lol:

A quick google...

Ah, ok...

Disassembled, and new tube ready with the spring and nut over the new tube...

All in place and ty-wrapped neatly..

Tested, and the compressor now stops! Before it just ran and ran as the original supply tube had melted in the welding accident ;)



After loosing the snorkel head on the last 'lane of the day on the Lake District day trip...

The guard from the snorkel tube body up to the guard loop off the tree roof bars was replaced and riveted to the snorkel body..


A wash and a polish! B) Who's a pretty boy then!

And then the daily-driver had a bath too... ;)

A few jobs around the house to keep the wife happy... and also cleaned the Queen's Mokka amd the Princess' KA too, and washed the drive down... = BROWNIE POINTS hey guys?!

So... S200KYS is ready for next weekend's greenlaning on the 10th of November, and enough brownie points amassed to get back to building the 'boogie' as it has affectionately been named...

Dave B)

Heading for a shower and a beer....
Last edit: 03 Nov 2019 17:49 by X8GGY.
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04 Nov 2019 17:52 #215364 by X8GGY
I forgot to mention yesterday...

I regret to inform you all of the sad passing of Mr. Angry III, my faithful angle grinder...

He had a long useful life :(

Ah well, pick up his replacement, Mr. Angry IV, another Makita tomorrow... B)

Dave ;)
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  • Lambert
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  • The quickest Jimny in Harrogate...(that I own)
05 Nov 2019 05:22 #215377 by Lambert
Sad news indeed. I trust you are holding a full state funeral with opportunity for the great and good to pay their respects at this traumatic time. R.I.P. Mr Angry, RIP.

Temeraire (2018 quasar grey automatic)
One of the last 200ish of the gen3s, probably.
ADOS Attention Deficit Ooooh Shiny!
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05 Nov 2019 10:53 #215384 by jackonlyjack
Recycle...........How much will you sell me the guard off Mr angry the III for if it's not in the bin :)
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05 Nov 2019 11:06 #215385 by X8GGY

Lambert wrote: Sad news indeed. I trust you are holding a full state funeral with opportunity for the great and good to pay their respects at this traumatic time. R.I.P. Mr Angry, RIP.

Sure! It would be an honour ;)

Message me your address...

Dave ;)
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  • Lambert
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05 Nov 2019 16:40 #215396 by Lambert
I think that could be aimed at you Jack not me?

Temeraire (2018 quasar grey automatic)
One of the last 200ish of the gen3s, probably.
ADOS Attention Deficit Ooooh Shiny!
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