Are you building a Mud Monster or a Pavement Princess??
If so you can have your own thread in this section.
This section on other websites has led to arguments and contention. People are posting pictures of their pride and joy and therefore CONSTRUCTIVE comments only please!
I'm from St. Helens went up there last weekend not going again till i either get the winch fitted or have someone to go with as there's a huge patch of deepish mud that i don't fancy being stuck in atall I'm not sure if i went down the right bit of it though!! I just saw a muddy dirt track with overgrown trees and thought oooh that looks fun then got about a cars length into mud saw some old tyres and realised then low ranged it out backwards just in case! If anyone's goin on any green laning trips or to and pay and play day let me know i now feel I'm upto going!! Can't wait get the winch and snorkel fitted though!! Here's the car couple days after snape rake lane!
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