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04/07/08 - Smiffy and Macs ASBOJimny

Here are some pictures of Smiffy and Macs  ASBOJimny build. As you can see they started with a standard Jimny only a couple of weeks back....

So why "ASBOJimny"? Well its registration has the letters ASB in it and for those of you who are not in the UK an ASBO (Anti-Social Behaviour Order) is a warning issued to people who are deemed to be acting "Anti Socially" - so I guess this is going to be a monster!.....


Another "before picture".


And then the 3" lift, radius arms, panhard rods, winch bumper, both wings and 205 16 tyres on GV rims arrived!!!


07/07/08 - Cargo net mod from Chris
01/07/08 - Chris' Jimny
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