Subcategories from this category:

SJ Rebuild

12/12/09 - Speedys Jimny

Dean (aka Speedy) has sent in some pictures of his rather distinctive Jimny.

  7431 Hits

12/12/09 - Henry's Jimny

Henry from the Netherlands has sent in pictures of his Jimny.


5" suspension liftkit (D&G)
3" body lift
4.16 T-case
Swift seats
Kap suzuki rear bumper corners
Kap suzuki front bumper
Fedime trail ade tyres, about 31"

To do;

Warn winch
home made rear and front bumper
ARB locker in rear axle

Some pictures you will see here, more pictures of the samurai and jimny:

  9257 Hits

12/12/09 - Kevin Williams' Jimny

Kevin has sent in some pictures of his modified soft-top

  7282 Hits

08/11/09 - Iains' Jimny

Iain has sent in some pictures of his Jimny and I challenge any of the UK readers not to be jealous of the location - The Alps - not sure my Jimny would get to the Alps.

  7785 Hits

29/10/09 - Barry (Baz) Harpers Jimny

Barry Harper has sent in pictures of his Jimny.

  8690 Hits
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