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Day 8 - 1st Sep - Saint-Etienne-de-Tinee to Limone Piemonte


6 hours 30 mins on the trail today and their last planned off road day! They hit a lot of trails that went through forests which was nice, a lot of greenery and different mountain scenery. Made one wrong turn and ending up having to reverse down quite a steep hill which was not great. Came across an old military base high up in the mountains which was pretty cool! There was an old tank there too which Redmond managed to get into. Everything still going strong on the Jimny. They arrived at next overnight stop early so perhaps a hike and then come back for some traditional Italian food later this evening. The lodge that they are staying at is high up in the Italian Alps and has some pretty unique features. Off down to to the foothills near Monaco tomorrow for a few nights to finally relax a bit for the rest of the journey - all these early starts have made them quite tired!

Day 9 - 2nd Sep - Monte Carlo
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