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Re:Gen 4 Battery swap

09 Aug 2020 08:34 #226377 by Doctorchris
Replied by Doctorchris on topic Gen 4 Battery swap
Just being nosy, like, but why did you test an EFB battery and why are you going back to the original?
I'd never heard of an EFB battery, so looked it up and it seems it's recommended for cars with stop/start tehnology.
I think it would make sense that any important microprocessors on the Jimny would have their own battery back-up, like computers have. Maybe that's why the RAC don't bother with a memory stick.
Battery swaps dealer only, pah! Next thing, filling up with petrol, dealer only!

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  • GeorgeC
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09 Aug 2020 10:08 - 09 Aug 2020 19:16 #226389 by GeorgeC
Replied by GeorgeC on topic Gen 4 Battery swap

Doctorchris wrote: Just being nosy, like, but why did you test an EFB battery and why are you going back to the original?
I'd never heard of an EFB battery, so looked it up and it seems it's recommended for cars with stop/start tehnology.
I think it would make sense that any important microprocessors on the Jimny would have their own battery back-up, like computers have. Maybe that's why the RAC don't bother with a memory stick.
Battery swaps dealer only, pah! Next thing, filling up with petrol, dealer only!

I'll deal with the last first:
Loan cars are provided almost EMPTY, so the customer can return them full, I did, 34 litres!

In my region we have 4 levels/grades of batteries, EFB is the top grade. Open Lead/Acid (original Jimny) is considered the lowest, with Sealed Calcium and AGM in-between.

As I have re-charging issues, the EFB Battery was provided to see if the Battery Management System in the car would recognise it and charge it in a different manner and maintain a voltage higher than it does to the open lead/acid battery, it didn't. My driving style is considered close to stop start.

Since starting the test over 4 weeks, 23km and 10 starts, a drop of resting voltage from 13.26V at fitting to 12.76V on Thursday, a loss of about 18AH battery capacity. This post gives more details of the test: www.bigjimny.com/index.php/forum/6-jimny...r-jimny-today#225958

I am going back to the original battery as the car is going for a service and the test is concluded at this time I would like to recover any data stored in the system. All the test results over the past 18 months refer to the original battery. I am NOT suggesting you run out and buy an EFB Battery!

Please don't be miss-lead by the memory stick comment, it was a wind up by the lady in the call centre! I got completely sucked in!!!
Last edit: 09 Aug 2020 19:16 by GeorgeC.

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  • GeorgeC
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09 Aug 2020 23:43 #226435 by GeorgeC
Replied by GeorgeC on topic Gen 4 Battery swap

GeorgeC wrote: I am about to swap back to the original battery after a month of testing an EFB Battery and wish to preserve the codes in the system for reading at the next service, due next week.

Anyone on the forum, owner or dealer or technician, done this with a Gen 4?

A reply from Suzuki, here in Australia: "For replacing you battery please follow the procedure in your Jimny Owner’s Manual for Replacement of the Battery which is located on Page 6-41." :woohoo:

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  • GeorgeC
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12 Aug 2020 05:07 #226541 by GeorgeC
Replied by GeorgeC on topic Gen 4 Battery swap
Yesterday I contacted the Battery supplier with the results of my test.
His advice was remove the battery and re-fit the original. He added that it may be useful to jumper the leads with another battery for the swap. My original question answered.

Not having a third battery, I used the 4 watt Solar Panel with the 13.8V regulator from a radio power supply. Long leads and test clips made the connection. It all worked a treat! See photos below.

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  • Lambert
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12 Aug 2020 06:12 #226542 by Lambert
Replied by Lambert on topic Gen 4 Battery swap
Sorry I'm confused. Are you saying that on a gen4 you can't just disconnect the battery without a supplementary 12v supply or a trip to the dealer to get them to do it and or recode the car? That's mental if that's the case.

Temeraire (2018 quasar grey automatic)
One of the last 200ish of the gen3s, probably.
ADOS Attention Deficit Ooooh Shiny!

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  • CC Baxter
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12 Aug 2020 06:58 #226543 by CC Baxter
Replied by CC Baxter on topic Gen 4 Battery swap
"That's mental if that's the case". I think the Gen4 will become an unnecessary pain in future years as parts wear out. The mechanicals all look good but the electrical system just says trouble ahead. This is not a specific Jimny fault as all cars are going this way. The saving grace maybe the Swift (which shares much of the electrics) as enthusiastic tuners find ways to bypass some of this stuff.

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