Marat has just bought a new Jimny, its a different style to those we get over here in the UK.
So the rebuild work continues on the front axle.
You will recall that the leading arms were bent...the yellow object is a spirit level and the arm curves away nicely.
I had a few hours free today to move it on a bit.
If you recall the mounting holes in one of the Leading Arm mounts were worn oval. Therefore I needed to sort out a repair. This was pretty straightforward. I got hold of some 12mm Repair Washers and ground off the plating (its poisonous to weld them)
You will have read how I ended last seasons driving..... SEE HERE
And how after a summer of boating I returned to start some work...SEE HERE
And how I am not alone in this task....SEE HERE
Well with bookings coming in for the BigJimny Meet at Tong, my trailer booked for the event and the boat put away for the winter its time to start.....
TonkaJimny (Stuart) has sent in some pictures of his Jimny.