BigJimnyMeet (North) 2024 (12 Jan 2024)

BigJimnyMeet 2024

14th July 2024
Parkwood Nr. Leeds

Booking now open - Discount for additional vehicles

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Videos of my recent trip to Shropshire and Powys

25 Apr 2013 10:04 - 25 Apr 2013 13:46 #69451 by maverick
Here are all my YouTube videos from my RocketMav Channel of our 4x4 trip to Shropshire and Powys on Sunday 21st April 2013.

I apologise in advance for my crap video'ing in a few clips as i have a new camera and have not got used to how to stop taking video's - all will be come clear on the last three videos :)

I hope you like them :)


Jalapeño, IISY?
Last edit: 25 Apr 2013 13:46 by maverick.

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  • gaz3359
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28 Apr 2013 12:08 #69614 by gaz3359
some good footage there,bet there was a few extra scratches after those tight lanes B)

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28 Apr 2013 15:04 #69628 by maverick

gaz3359 wrote: some good footage there,bet there was a few extra scratches after those tight lanes B)

Yup, a few extra DEEP scratches (even on the roof) ... but that's what my Jimny is for!

Jalapeño, IISY?

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  • gaz3359
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28 Apr 2013 15:27 #69631 by gaz3359
Just adds character !

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