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First Fault - Lower Shock Absorber mount

Well it had to happen but it was a surprise for it to happen on the first time out on a gentle greenlaning trip on a sunny Sunday afternoon. None of the lanes are difficult, in fact they are all loosely surfaced and easily driven apart from a view scratchy bits.

When we got home James had a quick walk around the back of the car and saw.....


  10340 Hits

29/09/07 - Starting pictures

As well as the basic specification here are some pictures that are the "starting point" of my ownership.


  11516 Hits

29/09/07 - Making it My Own

So what is the first thing to do to the Jimny?....Make it mine!

The best way to do this is to add a few personalised stickers such as shown below:

  11210 Hits

25/09/07 - Your Jimny

Do you want to feature your Jimny here? - You could have a page (or two!) dedicated to your Jimny on this website.

  12363 Hits

24/09/07 - Starting Specification

Clearly this Jimny has been heavily modified by the previous owners. The list below shows the specification on the day of purchase - 22nd September 2007.

Suzuki Jimny 1.3 JLX

5 Speed Manual

  11030 Hits