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ARB air line repair

ARB air line repair

​When the rear axle was ripped off its mount it looks as if the air fitting for the ARB locker was damage. The air fitting consists of pipework fitted through what ARB call a bulkhead fitting. This has pulled out of the diff casing.

ARB Bulkhead fitting

​The ARB was not fitted by me and I do not have the instructions. However Google shows that this fitting should be in a threaded hole. Clearly the thread is damaged. However it looks as if it was damaged from the start as there is some sort of filler or "plastic metal" around the base, almost as if it was glued in.

Thread damage

It actually looks as if it was inserted with a hammer. Therefore I am looking for suggestions on a good repair??. The picture below shows the reverse of the housing if it helps with ideas.

Rear of housing.
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