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09/01/09 - Rocklobster conversion - Episode 1

Having fought with the flanges and battled with the speedo drive I finally split open my transfer boxes ready for a Rocklobster conversion.

This is what I found....


Two identical intermediate gearsets!!!

I have got two SJ410 boxes.

One is from a scrapped 410 sitting in a mates drive - that one we know is a 410.

The other is from a guy who has a 413 and took off the transfer box in order to replace it with a 410 box. This is the "413" box he took off. AAAARGH! at some point a previous owner of the 413 must have done the same thing meaning it already had a 410 box on it.

So does anyone want to swap a 410 intermediate and  410 output set for a 413 intermediate set along with the 413 output set?

Go one build yourself a Rocklobster!


14/01/09 - Rocklobster conversion - Episode 2
31/12/08 - Christmas Bling
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