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  • Strek
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30 Dec 2010 08:29 #8415 by Strek
Replied by Strek on topic Re: 33"
Hmm. Yes, have stumbled upon this thought. But not sure of that spacer part. Are you takling about something like this?


If so, what about the front?
Any links to any spacers?

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  • adamjimny
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30 Dec 2010 08:47 #8416 by adamjimny
Replied by adamjimny on topic Re: 33"
they are for the back but don't think there is currently anything for the front

just a suggestion as i don't know which kit comes with tuv papers.

try contacting off road armoury they may have a 3" kit that has them

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30 Dec 2010 09:19 #8419 by mlines
Replied by mlines on topic Re: 33"
Tut Tut, why are you looking at the Jimnybits version when I sell them here ;)

3" TUV version is due in new year, in the meantime there is a 2" lift + body lift which means you can get away without front arms if you use Castor Correction bushes



2003 M13 early KAP build.
3" Trailmaster lift with 1.5 Spacers on front
Customised winch bumper and roll cage
235/85R16 Maxxis Bighorns on 16" Rims, 4:1 Rocklobster, Rear ARB locker and on-board air
Corrected arms all-round, rear disks, Recaro seats and harnesses

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  • Strek
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06 Jan 2011 22:31 #9026 by Strek
Replied by Strek on topic Re: 33"

HolmarH wrote: Fenders are original, but have been cut.
These fender flares are made for 31" tires, you can see rubber in some pics to make the flares bigger.

Holmar, I've been checking out your car alot lately. Can you tell and show more about your wheelarches? I really can't understand that they are original Jimny arches. They are definitly a different angle than mine, pointing more outwards, allmost the same angle as the black plastic lip of yours. I have also studied other jimnies, trying to figure this out.
Do you have any pics of the process?

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  • HolmarH
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07 Jan 2011 09:13 #9034 by HolmarH
Replied by HolmarH on topic Re: 33"
The wheel arches have been cut, the original fender flares taken away and new ones put on, you can see some pics at this link:

This Jimny has the same fender flares as mine, but it has only 31" tires.

And at this link you can see pics from the Icelandic Suzuki forum, posted by Birgir.


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  • Strek
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07 Jan 2011 09:57 #9040 by Strek
Replied by Strek on topic Re: 33"
Nice. I have seen them before though, looks really good. But who makes them? Are they only available in Iceland?
And can I ask you a little favour? Can you translate this?:

Breytingar fyrir suzuki jimny
sirka verð á breytingar, 12 þúsund fyrir kubba, plús dekk fyrir 31", en fyrir 33" ef þú vilt að þetta sé almennilegt þá þarftu að kaupa kanta sem eru 70-90 þúsund ómálaðir, nema að þú viljir nota ódýra kanta af vitara eða eitthvað slíkt, það hefur verið gert áður og kostar mjög lítið, eg get frætt þig endalaust um þessi mál ef þú vilt og svarað sennilega flestum spurnungum varðandi breytingar á jimny, eg hef sjálfur breytt 4 og átt 5 breitta jimny, gæti jafnvel aðstoðað ef vilji er fyrir höndum,

semsagt fyrir 31" þartu
4,5 cm upphækkunar klossa fyrir gorma, 12 þúsund hjá málmsteypan hella í hafnarfyrði,
31" dekk,
drullusokka efni,
leingja dempara, það er einfalt,
skéra lítilega úr plasti og lemja smá,

fyrir 33" þartu
4,5 cm upphækkunar klossa fyrir gorma,
33" dekk
drullusokka efni,
leingja dempara,
skera úr,
og setja viðeigandi kanta, annað hvort sérsmiðað eða mix,
þetta geingur bara ef samslátturinn er hafður í það allra minsta svo dekkin rekist ekki í,
ekki er verra að boddý hækka hann lika fyrir þessa breytingu en það er töluvert meiri vinna,

Tried Google translate, but without any success.

Do you think it is possible to ship a set of these to Norway? Any idea on the price?

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