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20/8/09 - Phil's Starter Motor Tips

Phil has sent me in another tip to share with you all. As you know I had starter motor problems recently and certainly dodgy solenoids played a part...

Over to you, Phil,

I've recently experienced problems with 2 Jimny starter motors. Both wouldn't spin after just a few weeks " Muddy " use.
Even though they were stripped and cleaned, still no joy.

(Picture shows a Japanese fit starter motor (top) and a Spanish fit starter motor (bottom)

The problem was the solenoids. When they were energized, a resistance meter showed high resistance across the solenoid main contacts.Hence the
solenoid " clunks ", but the motor doesn't spin. Unfortunately you can't disassemble the solenoids.

(Picture shows sealed soleniod unit)

I stood the solenoids on end, with the threaded studs to the bottom. I then squirted some electrical contact cleaner ( Available from Maplins ),inside the solenoid. I left it to soak for an hour.Then refitted the metal slug and energised it ( the small connector ) with some jump leads. As it was repeatedly energised the resistance reading came down until it was
nearly zero ohms.

I cleaned and greased the entire unit and it has worked OK since. Idid the same with the other starter and put it "In stock".

20/8/09 - Phils Oil Leak
20/08/09 - Spookyzooky
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