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08/12/12 - LittleJimnys First Modification!

08/12/12 - LittleJimnys First Modification!

Some of you may recall me complaining when we first got LittleJimny that it had no clock. (see the comments attached to THIS ARTICLE)

Recently the radio has started cutting out after 10 to 15 minutes of operation, it sounds as if the amplifier section of the radio is overheating as all the functions work, there is just no sound coming out.

Anyway, Halford spotted one lurking on Ebay and I won it for £16.50 (Thanks!).......


So following Halfords GUIDE ON REMOVING THE FACIA I set about replacing it today.

It all went completely straight forward. Sadly the fascia on the new radio was badly scratched (I thought it was just dirt in the Ebay picture). However thankfully the plastic front of the radio simply unclips and I could swap over the nice one from the original radio so keeping the car looking smart.

And as the new radio was a 2007 model we got a..........clock!! Our first modification!


New sticker!
02/12/12 - Fitting Anti Squeal Pads
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