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What the postman brought....

What the postman brought....

I used to have a rear disc conversion fitted that I really did not get on with. It never seemed to work properly and needed constant attention in order to get any sort of braking capability. This has been delaying my rebuild as I could not be inspired to re-fit it and go through the trials again. However, I have bitten the bullet and bought a new k...

  7067 Hits

ColinK's Jimny

ColinK's Jimny

ColinK has sent in some pictures for display in the gallery, thanks Colin

  6785 Hits

Spotted on M3 slipping to A34 North

Spotted - I think its Ali?

  6756 Hits

LittleJimny grows up

LittleJimny grows up

James is now old enough and held a licence long enough (19 years old and 2 years driving) for Adrian Flux to offer reasonably priced insurance on a modified vehicle. Therefore he wanted a lift for his Jimny.

  13955 Hits

Todays work

Todays work

A couple of pictures of todays work, full write up to follow.

  9955 Hits
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