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20/7/08 - Shock Absorber Rubbers

Will I ever get back off-roading!

With the trailing arms rebuit it was one quick look around before the MOT. Horror! The front steering damper (ES2000) was hitting the chassis mount and was generally worn out - still that was a quick fix - take it off! The next problem is a knock from the front - a quick rock of the car showed....

Yes - both front shock absorber rubbers stuffed. So a quick purchase from  - (Thanks Dave for your excellent service) see a Polybush set winging its way to me. One day I am going to get to drive this car!

The new bushes are desiged for SJ/Vitaras and so they are about 5mm too wide for the Jimny mounting plates, but a quick "adjustment" with a small hacksaw makes them fit perfectly and what a difference - the entire front suspension has gone quiet - not a squeak or a knock anywhere - roll on the MOT test.

20/07/08 - Springs
19/7/08 - Rebuilding the Trailing Arms
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