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22/10/11 - Replacing the Wing

Those of you who have seen my Jimny may recall that it has a dented front wing. This has been like this since I bought it, but despite it being a large dent it is actually quite hard to see.

However a while back I bought a pair of wings from a forum member and today I replaced the passenger side one.

Here is the starting point - nice and dented!

The wings are bolted on, the bolts along the top are generally easy to find apart from this one at the far back. You have to prise up the plastic shield around the wipers to reveal the bolt head (still in place at the back of the wing in the picture below).

The other bolts should be obvious, here at the top front edge....

and here, below the front behind the light. The most difficult is the one at the bottom rear (no picture I am afraid)

The dent in all its glory.

The "naked" car

Now, I have never had the plastic shield in place under the wings (they were long gone when I got the car). Under the wing is this long box section, which in my car was jammed full of mud. If you don't have a galvanised car then this is going to be a real rust collection point in future. It is almost worth unbolting the wings once a year and hosing out this box section.

I needed to transfer  over my indicator, which is simpy prised out of the wing.

However the indicator was full of mud!

Having washed out the indicator, I bolted everything back, note that I have not cut this wing or replaced the plastic. Thats because there is a lift coming!!


Aargh - It all goes wrong
14/10/11 - Putting the Panhard back together..
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