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SJ Rebuild

01/10/09 - Trimming the wheel arches

Those of you who follow Shropshire Suzuki will know that Gary (jimny_gary) is building an off-roading Jimny. Gary has built a couple of Jimnys in the past (see and this time is putting together a pair of donor Jimnys into another off-roading beast. The full build story can be found on Shropshire Suzuki.

I have put a few of the build pictures below.....

  12309 Hits

30/09/09 - Craigs Jimny

Craig has sent in some pictures of his modified Jimny on its outing at Kirtons Farm.

  9342 Hits

20/08/09 - Spookyzooky

You may have been reading about Samuraijimny413 and his exploits in the Malaysian Jungle on trips out of Singapore, its pretty envious stuff for those of us in the UK urban jungle. He has now sent in further details of his Jimny build for you to enjoy.......

  9614 Hits

14/07/09 - RhinoRay's JImny

We went down to the TV4x4 event at Chichester last weekend and we were surprised to see RhinoRay turn up in his very shiny Jimny.

  9111 Hits

28/06/09 - Richard Cooke's (aka Punch) Jimny

Richard has sent in some pictures of his modified Jimny...

  8462 Hits
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