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What brand of manual locking hubs do you use? What’s the best manual hubs to buy?

07 Sep 2018 19:06 #195771 by jackonlyjack
After a recent p&p I am seriously considering going back to vac hubs
2 wheel low is something I really miss
But I will carry manual hubs just in case

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07 Sep 2018 19:31 #195773 by jim
Nice work Ninecherries you have been busy with your upgrades. As soon as I start getting issues with mine I'll follow what you've done. Have you managed to block off the vacuum pies to stop the 4x4 flashing?

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07 Sep 2018 23:32 #195777 by NineCherries
Yeah needs must, it’s been an diy filled year for the Jimny :)
I did block off the pipes but found my fault was a possibly a combination of things so really the pipes being blocked is only to stop water getting into the hubs and the now redundant pipes. I bypassed the vacuum switch In the engine bay so it all works the way it should (and now flashing dash light), 4wd is now reliable for play days and the coming winter :)

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08 Sep 2018 01:31 #195780 by Caelite
Hey, pretty cool this thread popped up as I have been considering manuals. I'm wondering if someone can confirm or deny a couple of things I have heard about them.

1. Can you use the 4wd-L with the hubs unlocked? Effectively giving you 2wd-L And does this work for moderate road use? (think <10mi at <40mph across the ruralest of unpoliced Scottish roads with an unspecified tonnage of plant trailer on the back). Or will it send all your power away spinning up the open diff?

2. Another old wife's tail I've heard, with vehicles with locked centre diffs, can you drive on hard surfaces with 4wd with only one hub locked (4x3 essentially) with the wind up 'escaping' out the open wheel?

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  • The quickest Jimny in Harrogate...(that I own)
08 Sep 2018 06:05 #195783 by Lambert
2x4 low with manual hubs open is a definite thing and for me the most useful thing about the hubs.

You can run with just one hub open but the other wheel wouldn't get any power sent to it as it will just follow the path of least resistance to the open hub. This would put undue wear into the front diff as it would be spinning constantly. Don't bother as it has absolutely no benefit.

Temeraire (2018 quasar grey automatic)
One of the last 200ish of the gen3s, probably.
ADOS Attention Deficit Ooooh Shiny!

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12 Sep 2018 22:14 #195958 by NineCherries
2wd L does work for sure. Car thinks it’s in 4wd L, props turn but the wheels are not being driven as the hubs are disengaged. Never needed to use it but tried it just to find out. :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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