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front and rear diff question

06 Jan 2013 18:03 #57286 by MigCooper
ok so ;) rules that on out ...
Thanks Martin

By the way, I researched in the past for heavy duty shafts and CV for the jimny and found nothing, anyone knows if there is something like it in the market at present?


Snorkel and plenty of rust to be treated :)

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06 Jan 2013 18:05 - 06 Jan 2013 18:07 #57288 by reaper
Replied by reaper on topic front and rear diff question
I may be well of the bat here so feel free to mock me but
Wouldnt a lockright / detroit type locker be a bad idea in a jimny ?
At least with an arb or kam type locker in the front it can be disengaded to stop you popping cv's everytime it gets some stress on it and as you say as yet there is no reluable hd shaft or cv for our lil jims
Last edit: 06 Jan 2013 18:07 by reaper.

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06 Jan 2013 18:13 - 06 Jan 2013 18:14 #57291 by MigCooper
Agreed, but was just an idea for the moment, my Jimny is off the road and doing off road only, so am looking for some options to improve it ;)

The locker in the back is doing fine so far and will stay like that for now.
Thing is I broke a CV already and can see it happening again ..... and again .... wouldn't mind stronger shafts and CVs


Snorkel and plenty of rust to be treated :)
Last edit: 06 Jan 2013 18:14 by MigCooper.

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06 Jan 2013 19:30 - 04 Jun 2013 13:09 #57308 by ilten
Replied by ilten on topic front and rear diff question
There are several companys offering HD shafts and CVD's for Jimnys.
There are others as well, but these were on top of my list.
The problem with all of these is: The stuff is expensive. Really expensive :ohmy:
Last edit: 04 Jun 2013 13:09 by mlines.

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07 Jan 2013 07:36 #57359 by saxj
Replied by saxj on topic front and rear diff question

mlines wrote: Its LockRight :) - www.bigjimny.com/store/index.php/off-roa...ff-locker/p_133.html

I have researched into the front ones with the guys in the states and there is not a solution at present apart from an expensive ARB (or a chinese or german copy).


One of the guys in our club has a lockright in the front diff (2008+ Year model). I'll find out the details of how it was done. If I remember correctly, there were some SJ parts involved.

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07 Jan 2013 10:17 #57364 by mlines
Replied by mlines on topic front and rear diff question
He probably fitted the internals from an SJ differential, or even a complete SJ axle.


2003 M13 early KAP build.
3" Trailmaster lift with 1.5 Spacers on front
Customised winch bumper and roll cage
235/85R16 Maxxis Bighorns on 16" Rims, 4:1 Rocklobster, Rear ARB locker and on-board air
Corrected arms all-round, rear disks, Recaro seats and harnesses

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