Jimny Chat 10.8k topics

A place for general chat about the Jimny. Please make sure you post in the correct section on the site, this way it keeps the site tidy AND ensures you get a more relevant answer.

A place for general chat about the Jimny. Please make sure you post in the correct section on the site, this way it keeps the site tidy AND ensures you get a more relevant answer.

Suppliers/Dealers or anyone selling with a commercial view in mind CANNOT post here unless responding to a specific request of a member in a "wanted" post.

Suppliers include people "breaking for spares" on a regular basis, when purchasing spares members should ask a supplier what they contribute to the running of the forum particularly if contacted by a Private Message

Suppliers or Members who have contributed to the forum can be identifed by the

Subject Replies / Views Last Post
Category: Jimny Chat
Topic started 25 Jan 2008 12:59, by mlines
Last Post 25 Jan 2008 12:59
by mlines
Last Post by mlines
25 Jan 2008 12:59
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