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15/9/09 - MOT Failure

So it was off down to the MOT station yesterday for the annual MOT test. I had spent a few hours over the weekend tidying things up and cleaning the car down. Most importantly I cleaned out the brakes as the rears were all siezed up and I had no handbrake again.

On the way to the MOT test there was a large clunk underneath and a quick dose of Jimny "Death Wobble" on the steering - I though something important had moved or broken, however the car went through all the MOT test ok - with the exception of one of the rear brakes. I had not been happy about the brakes when I cleaned them out and sure enough it was not good enough for the MOT.

So I need some new shoes and a brake drum (the old one is badly scored). I think it is time to fit a rear disc conversion but I will get it through the MOT first.



23/09/09 - MOT at last!
31/08/09 - Jonplace's towbar wiring guide
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