BigJimny Off-Road Meet 2014 - The Awards

BigJimny Off-Road Meet 2014 - The Awards

So as a first post, here are the award winners.

RAM Auto Design and Bits4Vits sponsored some awards to add a bit of fun to the event. As we mentioned we were a bit flexible with the categories as we were not sure what the cross-section of attending cars would be.

Read on for the details and pictures....

  12894 Hits

29/07/13 - Another Phillipines video

29/07/13 - Another Phillipines video

Another video fom Bingen

  14072 Hits

29/07/13 - Video from Bingen in Phillipines

29/07/13 - Video from Bingen in Phillipines

Bignen has sent in this video from the Phillipines

  14438 Hits

Briercliffe Play Day - Pictures!

The first pictures are now in, if you have any more then send them to me - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  13232 Hits

22/09/11 - BigJimny@Wagtail

We Came, We Saw, We Conquered (We broke down!)

Here are the first pictures, there are many more to follow along with some video once its edited

  10823 Hits
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