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Winch Problems!

We went down to Oxley's Shaw to help out on repairing some of the hazards on the site. Afther winching some logs I went over to the Bombhole to re-tension the cable onto the winch. The strain of winching the Jimny proved too much and the winch burnt out! It was not a difficult pull so something was wrong. I took the winch apart and it was entirely burnt out, I think that there was a problem with the brake and it was winching not only the Jimny but was fighting the brake, the winch was destroyed.

I located a Champion 9000. This has a separate solenoid unit mounted on the motor and came with the correct extension cables. The solenoid pack simply slid off the motor and I attached the cables.

I fitted the solenoid pack under the bonnet where the other pack had been and simply attached it to the isolating switch.

With the radiator removed the winch dropped into the front bumper. The fairlead needed relocating as the cable exitted differently (this supports the thought that the old winch was winching against the brake and that the original cable was on upside down).

It makes a neat installation into the bumper. Its a KAP bumper although I understand that the winch mount was added afterwards. (I know the cable needs re-tensioning!)

2/6/08 - More drive train issues
25/05/08 - Adding a CB Radio
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