After knocking a bit off the asking price for various bits that needed doing, we settled for a bit over £1200. And he delivered the car!
(He was a bit odd about the paperwork though, just wanted it done quickly!) Luckily, before I paid the final bit, I went to put the spare wheel on as one wheel has a slow leak, and I noticed rust in the jack recess (I did look beforehand, but didn't take the jack out) and an oil leak from the rear right hand shock, plus some general rust underneath. (Might be surface rust only, will give it a scrape and an undercoat when I get a minute).
I looked on eBay this morning for lock keys, but they all seem to ask for key numbers to match up the correct one. I don't have a key number - it's just a 3 pin aftermarket locking nut with a rotating collar. Might just break it off, and put on a new locking nut, or just a normal nut. Surely no-one's going to nick a standard steel with an oldish Bridgestone on it?!
I see that a single standard shock is £38 in the BigJimny shop. Can I replace just one, or should I do both at the same time? (The other is fairly ancient, but isn't leaking or anything)