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front ball joint leak! part info

  • SJBrading
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31 Mar 2013 22:13 #67483 by SJBrading
front ball joint leak! part info was created by SJBrading
Hi all.

I had a look under the sj today and saw that the front ball joint was leak oily grease. But coukd some please to me what i need to fux tgus problem and a idea how much ut will cost for these parts. Very much appreuate any help thank you. Sam

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01 Apr 2013 10:39 #67514 by kirkynut
I'm guessing you mean the swivel ball?

The axle tube oil seal has failed leaking transmission oil out which is washing CV grease out. The reason for it failing needs to be established. That will be either kingpin bearings (most likely) or wheel bearings.

There are how to guides on how to fix both if you come out of the forum and go onto the main Bigjimny website.


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My Jimny Thread Here: www.bigjimny.com/index.php/forum/8-my-ji...on-continues?start=0

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  • SJBrading
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01 Apr 2013 20:05 #67586 by SJBrading
Replied by SJBrading on topic front ball joint leak! part info
Brilliant thanks for the reply!

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