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Thanks to the write up on here I had a starting point to repair the 4wd on my Jimny which just flashed the warning light once when trying to engage 4wd. Checked the pressure switch and vacume with guage, all ok. Hoses and pipes ok. Removed solonoids ok. Checked the 4wd controller, this is where mine differed from the info on here and in my workshop manual circuit diagram. Mine has two boxes under the drivers side dash. The earlier type with 4wd gear leaver only has one contol box. One is marked "4wd controller" number 38885-76J01 and also 363311-11101 76J0 and has two plugs to it. The other box which is a bit smaller has the numbers 38885-82C00, ID no. 82C0 Lot 7Y09. To check the solonoids and wiring dissconnect the plug on the small box and connect test meter between Yellow red wire (power +) and grey red (VSV2, top solonoid, hub lock) should give 33 ohms. Test Yellow red wire (power +) and grey black (VSV1 botom solonoid, hub unlock) should also give 33 ohms.
On my car I still had not found the problem which turned out to be the switch on the gearbox with two wires to it. The wires looked to be connected but pulling gently on each in turn and one of them pulled out. Corrosion had rotted the wire at the soldered joint. I removed the switch and plugged the hole. Dont loose the 8mm steel ball!
The switch is capped with a plastic plug. I prised this out with a little screwdriver poked in nearest the broken wire. I cleaned and resolder the wire back on and after testing with the meter, refitted it. 4wd now working. I will be replacing it as soon as I can get a new one which will be smothered in silcone rtv in the hope of keeping the water out.
I hope this info will be of use to someone and hopefully be added to the write up.
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