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To boot or not to boot, that is the question?

25 Jun 2012 20:37 #42922 by Asbojimny
Got my new rear shocks from BigJimny shop :)

Fitting new rear shocks to jimmy. Ive got the boots there but undecided whether to fit em or not.

Reason being I read a while back that the boots fill with water/mud and can't escape. Leading to a shorter life of the seals. They always seam to split or come off from top or bottom as well. I know cable ties help.
Not fitting would mean easy to clean and nothing hanging about shocker for any length of time. Bit then they're exposed.
Someone even suggested fitting shocks upside down, with boots fitted. Will they work properly?

Any opinions? Cheers.


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  • Dave c
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25 Jun 2012 21:56 #42930 by Dave c
I have Gwyn Lewis ES9000 +5 L/R challenge shocks om my jim jam Gwyn recomends light greasing to the piston rods and not fitting any clip at the bottom of the boot to allow water to drain out think he pretty much knows his stuff so i have gone with what he suggest

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25 Jun 2012 22:23 #42933 by kirkynut
I've run Pro Comps and now Rough Country without any boots for some time with no issue.


The underdog often starts the fight, and occasionally the upper dog deserves to win - Edgar Watson Howe.

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  • VAXXi
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26 Jun 2012 07:02 #42938 by VAXXi
I had the previous boots wrongly fitted - they have a small hole at one end, which is there to allow water to escape. The previous install was done by covering this hole, so obviously water remained in the boots and shocks are rusted (but nothing dramatic). Just make sure you fit the water drain hole properly, don't tighten the boot above it and it should be fine IMHO (if you want to be sure, cut another drain hole opposite side of the existing one and that's it).

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26 Jun 2012 08:18 #42942 by kirkynut
Just to add to my previous reply - the shock body's on mine looked like they were going to rust through before the seal got damaged by dirt ingress and before the chrome shaft got pitted and rusted, so I really would not bother with the boots. I do think they are more trouble than they are worth.


The underdog often starts the fight, and occasionally the upper dog deserves to win - Edgar Watson Howe.

My Jimny Thread Here: www.bigjimny.com/index.php/forum/8-my-ji...on-continues?start=0

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26 Jun 2012 16:51 #42949 by Asbojimny

kirkynut wrote: Just to add to my previous reply - the shock body's on mine looked like they were going to rust through before the seal got damaged by dirt ingress and before the chrome shaft got pitted and rusted, so I really would not bother with the boots. I do think they are more trouble than they are worth.


Decided to go boot less. Cheers for all the input, much appreciated. All fitted, in the rain, fighting off midges. Old shocks were completely flat, not a bit of push left. Inside the boots were full of mud/sand. Mind you the boots were quite ripped.


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