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i'v drove mi jimny into the back of a pug306, not a mark on mine and it went with a right bang. i killed the pug:
his back bumper, boot and both rear quarters.
cat be leave it did nothing to mine.
anyway it was my fault and he was in a rush he took my name and address then shot off i no nothing of him.
do you think he'l claim as it the 1st bump i'v ever had and dont know how it works it seemed abit funny to me. :S
you're supposed to report it to your insurers. Did you get his reg number? Any witnesses?
possibly he was driving a dodgy motor, stolen, not taxed, insuredor MOT'd. In which case he can't make a claim. However he may also be out for a scam, claiming for injuries and loss of earnings.
If you've got the reg I'd do a bit of research on the web about the motor, then if you suspect he is genuine report it to your insurers. But then I'm basically an honest type. The alternative if there's no witnesses is not to report it and if it goes any further tell your insurance that he was going to settle without making a claim.
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