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Third body mount in front of rear wheel

25 Dec 2023 13:17 #253068 by Jim2004
Hello everyone
Fitting rock sliders, and have undone the front body mounts no problem, nut came off fine, however gone to undo the third mount point in front of rear wheel and instead of the nut coming off it seems like it’s winding the whole bolt out, can’t see how to get at this bolt from inside floor pan, thinking if I just keep winding it out it will cause a problem?. Any suggestions welcome

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  • Lambert
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25 Dec 2023 13:54 #253070 by Lambert
I think they are all captive bolts. There should be a reduced area on the open end that you should be able to grip with self locking pliers and use a ring spanner or drive through socket to get the nut.

Temeraire (2018 quasar grey automatic)
One of the last 200ish of the gen3s, probably.
ADOS Attention Deficit Ooooh Shiny!

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25 Dec 2023 15:38 #253071 by LesNewell
As Lambert says, the bolt should be captive. If it is just spinning, that means the mount has rusted badly enough that the bolt is no longer attached. The mount may not look too bad from the outside now but you will probably need to do some surgery in the next year or so.

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25 Dec 2023 16:11 #253072 by Jim2004
Yes I thought about that or possibly just cutting the nut off and replacing with two new nuts,
I could unwind the whole bolt using the nut but then it went tight and didn’t want to force it so tightened it back up against rubber mount and it tightened back up fine.
I might try some heat on nut too failing that I’ll cut it off

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