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SJ Rebuild

16/06/10 - Gionni's Jimny Updated

Goinni has sent in a few more pictures which I have added into a slideshow format.

  7101 Hits

09/06/10 - Kirkynuts Jimny - UPDATED


  6971 Hits

10/05/10 - Andy's Jimny

Andy Arnold has sent in some pictures of his Jimny, sorry for the delay in posting these but I only just foud them in a tidy up of my email Inbox

  8942 Hits

03/05/10 - Neils Jimny

Neil (Aka Nelson) has sent in some pictures of his Jimny.

  11728 Hits

15/04/10 - Dans Jimny

Dan Aston has sent in pictures of his Jimny

  7363 Hits
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