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12/12/09 - Vitsov's Jimny

Vitsov has sent in some pictures of his Jimny

He is moderator of this Portuguese Jimny website: WWW.ClubJimnyPT.COM

My Jimny is running with the folowing specs:

Procomp Lift +2"
1,5 " Body Lift
Wheels Dotz 15"x7" ET -12
BF MT 235/75/R15
Low Ratio Jimny Transfer Box Gearset ***
5th Gear From a Diesel LWB Vitara
Caster Correction
Asfir Skid Plate
Snorkel OGZ Brasil
K&N air filter
Sway Bar off

***Product name deleted at request of Manufacturer


12/12/09 - Garry's Jimny
12/12/09 - Henry's Jimny
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