BigJimny Wiki Help Page
What is a Wiki?
A Wiki is a website that is editable by users using a standard web browser. Users can create and edit pages building up a website containing the collective input of individuals.
Probably the most famous Wiki is Wikipedia
This specific Wikipedia is dedicated to Suzuki Jimnys, a small 4x4
This Wiki is linked to the main BigJimny website. If you have registered with the main website then you already have an account and can log straight in.
If you do not have an account then you will be given the option to create one on the main website. This process requires user authentication using a valid email address.
Note: There is currently an issue with the login form that means it does not re-direct back to the Wiki after logging in. You will have to click the link to come back to the Wiki
Editing a page
Once you have logged in you can then edit pages. The simplest edit is to an existing page. Perhaps you want to add in your own information or correct someone else.
When on the page an "EDIT" button or menu will appear, on the default view this is on the top right hand side of the main screen area.
You will then be presented with an edit box in which to make your additions or changes.
Once you have made your edits then click SAVE at the bottom left of the screen area.
Why not practice on our Practice_Edit_Page
Formatting your text
A Wiki uses a "Simple Markup Language". When you edit some simple buttons appear at the top of the edit box that gives you some formatting options.
There are more options (not all implemented on this website) here WikI Markup Language