BigJimnyMeet (North) 2024 (12 Jan 2024)

BigJimnyMeet 2024

14th July 2024
Parkwood Nr. Leeds

Booking now open - Discount for additional vehicles

Click HERE for details

× Sell your bits!
NOTE: This is for members and their private sales/wants.
There are rules that suppliers have to follow (and many of you do follow the rules). However there have been a number of instances recently where "suppliers" have broken the rules.

Suppliers/Dealers or anyone selling with a commercial view in mind CANNOT post here unless responding to a specific request of a member in a "wanted" post.

Suppliers include people "breaking for spares" on a regular basis, when purchasing spares members should ask a supplier what they contribute to the running of the forum

Wanted: spare wheel cover - the old red or blue rhino design

20 Jun 2024 13:00 #256362 by Rogerzilla
Unfortunately the rear-end crash tore the cover and the repairers have been unable to get an identical one.  Anyone got one sitting around?  There's a NOS one on eBay for £95, but they can go whistle at that price!

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