Subcategories from this category:

SJ Rebuild

05/01/12 - BigJimny's LittleJimny!

As I am currently without a car and James will be learning to drive later this year, we have bought a Jimny for him to learn in and then have as his first car, so say hullo to LittleJimny.

  11084 Hits

07/10/11 - Iain Prophet in the Pyrenees

Iain Prophet from this forum took a break to the Pyrenees and sent in some pictures and a write up for us to enjoy - thanks!!

  8711 Hits

02/07/11 - Szabolcs Jimny

{pgcooliris id=95|width=800|height=500|numrows=2|otherflashvars=wmode=transparent&showSearch=False&backgroundAlpha=0.0}

  8447 Hits

16/08/11 - Lukeyblunts Jimny

{pgcooliris id=96|width=800|height=500|numrows=2|otherflashvars=wmode=transparent&showSearch=False&backgroundAlpha=0.0}

  8461 Hits

27/05/11 - Malcolms Jimnys

{pgcooliris id=93|width=800|height=500|numrows=2|otherflashvars=wmode=transparent&showSearch=False&backgroundAlpha=0.0}

  9085 Hits
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