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Smoggy wrote: Mines alot bigger than 1'' square! If im thinking of the same thing - under the rear lights and behind the bumper corners the flaps are about 4'' x 2'' with rubber covers.
Yeah, that's the pressure relief hole.
By 1" holes I meant the round ones in the sides of the body.
you might find that hole there doesn't go into the body. plus iv cut that part off my jimmy for tyre clearance and i dont remember that hole being there.
blakey2000 wrote: you might find that hole there doesn't go into the body. plus iv cut that part off my jimmy for tyre clearance and i dont remember that hole being there.
It doesn't go into the cabin, but somewhere inside the bodywork it surely goes, and I'm gonna weld in those holes. Maybe I drill new ventilation holes to somewhere else inside the cabin into those corners, if they are closed structures...