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Has anyone got knowledge of a Traybacked Jimny?

06 Jun 2010 20:36 #3572 by Garry
i got nothing but silly offers Geo, so the best option was to buy another car, which i have, and go to town on the jimny and keep it as a play thing, it wont be ready for a while but hopefully should be out to play at some point in the next few months.

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  • Brian.SMC
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07 Jun 2010 11:09 #3573 by Brian.SMC
kirkynut wrote:

As per the title really. I've never seen one but think they would be relatively easy in comparison to anything else.

I don't plan to do this, unless I win the lottery, but attend a fair number of winch challenges these days and don't see why a Jimny could not be traybacked and why it would not be able to show some Landrovers a thing or 2.

Just think of the possible spec:

Front, Centre and rear winches
Front and rear difflocks with hardened shafts and CV's
massive tyres - 33" or above
Rocklobster tranfer box
rear disc conversion
lots of underbody protection for the transmission
No rear overhang
Minimal front overhang
A very strong cage
mounts for ground anchors and all the usual necessary kit
A Diesel engine from those Himny's found around the rest of the world to help with the wading side or a simpler Diesel engine converted


People do all this to Landrovers - why not a Jimny?

If anyone has knowledge of on in existence I'd love to see some piccies - Google has been fruitless - but I'm not the most effective internet surfer!


Asbos, jimny on here has most of the above, but still has the advantage of the hard top. Think it is listed here as Rab Elliots. Silver with full cage.

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  • Brian.SMC
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07 Jun 2010 18:07 #3576 by Brian.SMC
kirkynut wrote:

Why no centre winch though? I know it's another expense and winches are not cheap, especially when you add a few hundred for plasma rope but I would plan it into the build if possible, even if you don't put a winch in place straight away.

I don't compete as I haven't the money to spend and I think I prefer to watching or maybe one day bitching for someone else (who has spent their money on the vehicle)! However, I've been watching a fair few winch challenges recently and a fair few of my fellow local club members have been competing and a centre winch has been at least most useful and at the most a god send.

It takes all the worry out of side slopes and makes some punches alot easier to get and massively reduces the risk of damage to your vehicle via a roll - not to mention the reduced risk of injury from a roll.

Just worth a thought now as you may not be able to fit it in later depending on your design.


Weld hoops to top of cage and run front or rear winch line through it. The jimny is not exactly a long truck ;)

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08 Jun 2010 16:57 #3579 by kirkynut
Ah yes, I realise this can be done - but when you've lowered yourself down to a tree and need to go round it, on a slide slope from hell, and need to pull yourself up it and can't let the rope off that you lowered yourself down on as you'll slide away - you have both front and rear winches in use - so you need the centre winch to help deal with the side slope too!

I have been watching some extreme stuff! It depends on where you want to draw the line but like I say - it's a slippery slope in the modification game and we all end up wanting more - I've drawn a line at watching the extreme stuff so I'm not building my truck up any more but if I were to compete ...

The underdog often starts the fight, and occasionally the upper dog deserves to win - Edgar Watson Howe.

My Jimny Thread Here: www.bigjimny.com/index.php/forum/8-my-ji...on-continues?start=0

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11 Jun 2010 12:53 #3607 by liftman
Any pics of the build yet Garry????

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11 Jun 2010 14:29 #3608 by Garry
Not started it yet Geo, im having issues with my gearbox, namley the gearstick.

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