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26/6/08 - A loud clonk!

My Jimny has gained a significant clonk when letting up the clutch, there is also a lot of drive chain "shunt" and rubber "squeaking" whenever the back axle is exercised in any way.

I have crawled underneath and pushed and pulled things.

With the handbrake on (so the wheels are locked and will not rotate) and pushing the vehicle forwards and backwards I get the same squeaking and can see movement in the trailing arm bushes and the axle/diff attempts to rotate downwards, creating a vertical movement on the prop.

This video shows the trailing arm bush.

These videos show the prop/diff moving up and down.

So it looks like I need to cancel next weeks MOT and off-roading tripCry
28/06/08 - The Trailing Arms (not the name of a pu...
23/06/08 - What tyre size
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