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31/08/09 - Colin's Jimny - UPDATED

Colin has started to modify his Jimny and has done a particularly nice job of building in a winch to the existing bumper. The next time he takes it apart he is going to send pictures of the installation details as I know this has provoked a lot of interest.

Its yet another Jimny from Devon, when we went down there on holiday earlier this year we found it to be "Jimny heaven" with lots of them about.




Colin has now fitted some spotlights, front tow point and a small suspension lift. Interestingly this lift was achieved using Vitara Spring Spacers available from Bits4Vits and these give a 1.5" lift for minimal cost. The tyres are 195/80 R15 Technic Trackers.

UPDATED 31/8/09 ======================

Colin has now replaced the front and rear bumpers with box section versions ready for larger tyres and a small spring lift.

31/08/09 - Jonplace's towbar wiring guide
20/8/09 - Phils Oil Leak
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